Webinar event date: 
juin 1, 2022 7:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 

Maureen Pollard, MSW, RSW

Maureen Pollard is a social worker with 30 years of experience working with individuals, families and groups. After working for 20 years on the front lines of child welfare in Ontario, Canada, she now operates a private practice, specializing in grief, trauma, and resilience. With certificates in adult education and culturally inclusive education, Maureen develops and delivers custom seminars and experiential workshops to professionals, volunteers and community groups. Maureen volunteers with Grief Stories, and is also an author and songwriter.


Therapeutic writing has been shown to provide significant benefits to those who use these tools to process the experience of grief and trauma. There are simple strategies to support people in creating a safe environment for this work as individuals and in groups. This experiential webinar gives participants and opportunity to try a variety of exercises and reflect on how they might introduce them in practice

Webinar Objectives 
1. To introduce therapeutic writing as a tool for processing memories, thoughts and feelings, including information about the benefits and risks of writing about grief and trauma. 
2. To identify strategies people can establish to mitigate the risks of writing about grief and trauma individually and in groups.
3. To experience a variety of invitational writing activities and reflect on the potential to introduce these activities in practice with people who have experienced grief and trauma