Equity in Permanency Placement
Webinar event date: 
avr 15, 2024 9:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 
Sylvie J. Lapointe, MSW

Sylvie J. Lapointe, MSW is an alumnus of the Université d ’Ottawa and is currently the Executive Director at ISS Canada, where she has been working for over 22 years.  She is also the vice-chair of the Professional Advisory Committee for the International Network of International Social Service.

Sylvie has a passion for her profession that is evident from the quality of work she expects from her colleagues in the office. Sylvie is familiar with laws and cultural factors that influence social work in other countries. Sylvie is a strong advocate for Human and Child’s rights, the environment and social justice. She is passionate about her work, her team, and the ISS Network.


Research has shown, that not all children in care, who can no longer be cared for by their parents are given the same opportunity for kin placement.   Equity in permanency refers to principles of child protection practice that prioritise the exploration of family placements, without discrimination of any kind, to achieve optimal long-term outcomes for the child. The principles seek to empower child protection partners globally to have a child rights approach, and promote policies and protocols that ensure all family placement options are explored for any child. Furthermore, equity in permanency aims to access and connect with a child’s extended family both locally and overseas to provide the best opportunity for them to be raised with a strong sense of identity, belonging, roots and culture.