Webinar event date: 
déc 5, 2023 7:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 
Helaina Gaspard, PhD

Helaina is a co-founder of the Institute of Fiscal Studies and Democracy (IFSD) and leads the organization’s work in governance, institutional and policy assessment and design and decision-support.  Helaina’s approach to advisory work applies disciplined research design, methodology, data collection and analysis, integrated with a results-focus, reflecting real-world client needs.  She has led engagements supporting some of IFSD’s biggest client successes particularly as it relates to Indigenous reconciliation and independent fiscal institutions. Helaina earned a BA (Hons) from The University of Western Ontario, an MA from Queen’s University, and holds a PhD from the University of Ottawa.


The Canadian Human Rights Tribunal’s (CHRT) rulings on First Nations child and family services (FNCFS) were to 1) end discrimination; 2) ensure it does not reoccur.  Upholding these rulings requires changes to the structure, funding, and accountability of the existing program.  With the ongoing collaboration and contributions of FNCFS agencies and First Nations, an approach with the goal of holistic well-being of children, families, and communities was developed.  This presentation will review the approach and considerations for the interconnections of structure, funding, and accountability.