Webinar event date: 
nov 30, 2022 6:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 

Anne Pirie MSW, is a registered member of New Brunswick Association of Social Workers, living in Sackville, NB. Anne has worked in various clinical settings: mental health, hospitals, family services, child protection. Bowen Family Systems Theory informed her understanding of her own family, parenting, practising family therapy and designing intergenerational events. Anne is actively retired; now engaged in a variety of non-profit organizations. Committed to life-long learning, Anne seeks ongoing understanding of her part in significant relationship systems.

Jim Morton MSW, is a registered member of Nova Scotia College of Social Workers. He lives in Kentville, Nova Scotia. Jim has more than four decades of leadership, clinical and consulting experience in both the public and private sectors. Jim’s current interests centre on mental health, family systems theory, politics, and social change. After a decade of practicing and teaching family therapy, he explored Bowen Family Systems and discovered a new way of thinking.


This is an opportunity to explore key family systems concepts and a specific exploration of family diagrams as a clinical tool for diagnosis and treatment.

This workshop may be of particular interest to Social Workers working in organizations like health, social services and addictions.

Purpose: To support clinical practice and social work interventions relevant to a variety of settings.

Objectives: This workshop will show how placing symptoms in their family/social context informs diagnostic work and treatment directions in clinical settings.

We will explore concepts of Bowen Family Systems Theory and how to construct a family diagram for assessing and recording contextual information.