Webinar event date: 
févr. 9, 2022 8:30 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 

Kaitlin Schwan & Sahar Raza

Webinar Resources: 

In 2019, the human right to adequate housing was recognized in Canadian law via the National Housing Strategy Act. Since then, the National Right to Housing Network has been working with governments, community organizations, and rights-claimants to implement this legislated commitment to realize the right to housing for all—and thus end homelessness and housing need across the country. This presentation will explore what the right to housing means, why a rights-based approach to housing is transformational, and what systemic violations of the right to housing look like, to help attendees recognize and respond to these barriers within their work. Presenters will provide attendees with concrete examples of the right to housing in action, and explore ways in which social workers can build rights-based approaches to housing into both their practice and advocacy work. 

Webinar Objectives 
·    To introduce attendees to the right to adequate housing and the NHSA
·       To help attendees recognize violations of the right to housing that they may come across in their practice
·       To identify concrete ways social work practice can advance the right to housing