Michelle Jensen | Nephrology Social Worker
Nova Scotia Health, Queen Elizabeth ll Health Sciences Centre in Halifax
Hailing from the East, with the Superpowers of Gentleness and Sophisticated Diplomacy… Michelle Jensen is employed by Nova Scotia Health and works with dialysis patients and kidney donors at the Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, NS. She began her social work career in 1993 – BA, McMaster, 1991; BSW, UBC, 1993; and MSW, Dalhousie University, 2001. Michelle worked in geriatrics and mental health before joining the Nephrology service at the QE II in 2006. She has worked with kidney patients across the continuum of care from renal clinic (pre-dialysis), all dialysis treatment modalities to kidney transplant clinic. She finds the role of a Nephrology Social Worker incredibly meaningful and rewarding. Michelle has served on the CANSW Executive in the roles of Atlantic Representative, VP and President and is currently Past President.
Amanada LeePaget | Renal Social Worker
Health Sciences Center
Hailing from the West, with the Superpowers of Connectedness and Resilience… Amanda graduated in 2003 from the University of Manitoba with her BA in Sociology and BSW. Although Medical Social Work had not previously been on her radar, she accepted a position at the Health Sciences Center in Amputee and Spinal Rehab. In 2005 she moved into the position of Renal Social Worker and has worked across many areas in the renal program. Amanda grew up in Kenora, Ontario and enjoyed camping and fishing, which has become an asset in understanding issues with ice roads, boats and lack of plumbing. In the world of community dialysis, getting there is just part of the adventure.
Corinne MacNab | Renal Social Worker
Regional Kidney Care Program
Hailing from the South in Ontario, with the Superpowers of Coordination and Calm Before the Storm… Corinne has a BA Hons from Trent University in Peterborough, ON, and an MSW from Carleton University in Ottawa ON. She has been with the Regional Kidney Care Program of Simcoe Muskoka in Orillia since 1999, working with patients in multi-care kidney clinics, and patients on hemodialysis. Corinne is passionate about palliative care, ethics, and truth-telling. She is the clinical Palliative Care Champion for the Ontario Renal Network (ORN), a certified LEAP renal facilitator, and is currently the President of the Canadian Association of Nephrology Social Workers (CANSW).
Shirley Pulkkinen | Renal Social Worker
Ontario Renal Network's Provincial Leadership Table/Peritoneal Dialysis Priority
A nephrology guru, hailing from the North in Ontario, with the Superpowers of Advocacy and Collaboration: Social Workers Make a Difference! Shirley has been a Master's Level Trained Social Worker for many years, and a Nephrology Social Worker for the past 31 years in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. (Sault Area Hospital). To avoid getting bored, she has gotten married, had 3 sons, tried her hand at many positions in the Canadian Association of Nephrology Social Workers (CANSW), including President, conference planning, policy development, collaboration and research with community, provincial and federal partners. She is currently an Allied Health Social Work Representative on the Ontario Renal Network's Provincial Leadership Table and provides input into the Home Peritoneal Dialysis Priority Panel. She is involved in her Union as past Vice President and currently holds the Worker Co-Chair position on the Joint Health and Safety Committee. She is working on getting her Facilitation Certification for LEAP Pallium (Palliative care conversations), but the pandemic is getting in the way of her next steps. A long term member on the Accessibility Committee for the Municipality of Sault Ste. Marie