Webinar event date: 
juin 1, 2021 9:30 am EDT

Care work, including social work, has a long history of approaching drug use from an abstinence-based perspective; however, as the overdose crisis continues to grow, it is critical for us to collectively work to reduce shame, stigma, and judgment about drug use. This webinar will provide an overview of harm reduction, and some practical strategies to integrate into day-to-day practice, including a gendered perspective.  It will also provide an overview of WHAI's Women and Harm Reduction in Ontario: A Capacity Building Toolkit.    

Webinar Objectives
1) To provide an overview of harm reduction: what it is and is not, and why shifting our collective approach to a harm reduction-based approach is beneficial 
2) To build awareness about why people use drugs, from a trauma-informed and evidence-based perspective 
3) To provide practical tips on how to integrate a harm reduction approach into day-to-day practice, drawing on WHAI's Women & Harm Reduction Toolkit

For more information, go to: whai.ca