Webinar event date: 
oct 14, 2020 11:15 am EDT

The IFCO webinar series brings together an exciting mix of content originally planned for the Close Ties conference in Montreal (Canada) which was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The series profiles initiatives that help children and youth in care to thrive through the creation of significant relationships and a sense of belonging to family, community and culture. The program includes both an English and French webinar offering. Running from September 16th 2020 to April 14th 2021.

Peers are doing it for themselves - DATE: November, 18 2020 (no longer available online, please contact us for any access requests)


IInuit Qaujimajatuqangit - DATE: December, 2 2020 (no longer available online, please contact us for any access requests)


Belonging in a world of care - DATE: Feburary, 3 2021


Making a difference for LGBTQ2S+ children and young people in foster care - DATE: Feburary, 24 2021


Skill-building workshop for working with and supporting LGBTQ+ youth - DATE: March, 17 2021


Othermothers and otherfathers: Using Africenticity in child welfare - DATE: April, 14 2021