Webinar event date: 
nov 4, 2020 10:30 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 


Merlinda Weinberg, MSW, RSW, Ph.D.


Dr. Merlinda Weinberg is Professor of Social Work at Dalhousie University. Before obtaining her Ph.D. in 2004, she was a practicing social worker for 25 years. Research interests include ethics in social work practice, and the impacts of neoliberalism and diversity on professional ethics. She has a published book, entitled Paradoxes in Social Work Practice. Mitigating Ethical Trespass as well as a website on ethics: http://ethicsinthehelpingprofessions.socialwork.dal.ca/. The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada short-listed Dr. Weinberg in 2008 as the top new researcher in Canada and she was awarded a Senior Fellowship at Durham University in 2017. 




Social workers are struggling with the impacts of the global pandemic and the ethical implications for their work. This webinar will share results from a world-wide research project on these ethical challenges during COVID-19. Canada had the largest number of respondents of any country, evidence of the importance for professionals in this country for addressing the exacerbation of ethical dilemmas they are experiencing. Six themes of ethical challenges emerged. These will be outlined in the presentation. Commonalities and differences around the world will be addressed. Examples of participants’ struggles will be offered, both from Canada and globally. There will be discussion of the emotional toll of these situations on social workers. The talk will close with lessons learned, implications for the future of the profession, and recommendations for policy and practice. I will afford opportunities for dialogue from Canadian workers about their own experiences during the webinar. 


Webinar Key Objectives:


• To highlight six major ethical challenges for both Canadian and social workers globally during the pandemic

• To offer a snapshot of the specific experiences of actual workers in Canada and worldwide regarding this global crisis 

• To provide support and strategies that workers can employ around possible responses to the ethical challenges 

• To foster a sense of community and reduce isolation at a time while we are all experiencing a global trauma