Webinar event date: 
mai 15, 2020 9:30 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 

Leah Stuart-Sheppard is the Knowledge Exchange Coordinator at Women’s Shelters Canada. In this role, she creates opportunities for shelters and transition houses across the country to connect with each other and share their knowledge, promising practices, and resources. Leah’s background is in adult education and community development, with a particular focus on experiential education and ‘learning-by-doing’. She is passionate about participatory, community-based approaches to social change.



This webinar will explore how VAW shelters and transition houses are adapting their services during COVID-19 so they can continue to offer safety and support to women experiencing domestic violence. After providing some context on the impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence and the VAW shelter sector, the webinar will focus on three of the ways VAW shelters are adapting their services to keep survivors both safe and healthy. Specifically, the webinar will look at the use of alternative locations for sheltering; supporting survivors within the shelter; and expanding the ways women can receive support from shelters. For each of these topics, Leah will examine some of the benefits and challenges, and share specific resources and examples.

Webinar Key Objectives:

Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on domestic violence & VAW shelters

Exploring three of the ways VAW shelters are responding to COVID-19 (alternative locations for sheltering, supporting survivors within the shelter, and expanding ways women can receive support)

Sharing resources and examples related to the topic that can be of use to those working in shelters