Webinar event date: 
avr 15, 2020 9:00 am EDT
Webinar series: 
Webinar Presenters: 

Diana obtained her Ph.D. at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, and her M.S.W. degree at the University of Toronto.Diana is a practicing clinical social worker with 20+ years of experience,and she has been a board member of the local chapter of the Ontario Association of Social Workers since 2005. At Laurentian University (LU), she is a core member of the research groupECHO-Evaluating Children's Health Outcomes. She is also the SSHRC Leader for LU.

Diana's research investigatesthe effectiveness of arts-based mindfulnessgroup workfor the improvement of resilience and self-concept particularly in marginalizedchildren and youth. The 12-week arts-based mindfulness group program she and her team have developed is called Holistic Arts-Based Program (HAP).


Webinar Resources: 

This is Part 2 of a two part series titled Arts-Based Mindfulness. Missed the first webinar? No problem! You can view it here -> 

Arts-Based Mindfulness Methods for Personal and Professional Benefits. Part 1: Dr. Diana Coholic - YouTube


The webinar builds on the first one. In this session, participants will learn more about how to use arts-based mindfulness activities with a variety of client groups. We will discuss:

  • activities to help participants explore and express feelings
  • activities to teach mindfulness-based practices and concepts
  • activities to build group cohesion and a sense of belonging
  • questions to ask to facilitate exploration and discussion
  • examples of conversations that have emerged from the activities.