Webinar event date: 
nov 14, 2019 8:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 

Silke Brabander is Associate Director of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Centre for Family Violence Research at the University of New Brunswick (UNB). Originally from Montreal, she speaks English, French, and Spanish, and holds a MA in Political Science and a Diploma in University Teaching from UNB. Her work and studies have focused on gender equality, domestic/intimate partner violence & homicide, sexual violence, human trafficking, and international development & global violence against women and children. She is skilled in policy analysis and research, community engagement, project management, public speaking and workshop facilitation and has worked in New Brunswick, Ontario, Quebec and Honduras. She currently chairs the province of New Brunswick’s Domestic/Intimate Partner Violence in the Workplace Advisory Committee.



November is Domestic Violence Prevention Month in Canada. In that vein, this webinar will give an overview of domestic or intimate partner violence and the different forms in which it is manifested, particularly among male-female relationships.  It will highlight the pervasiveness of a specific kind of domestic violence, namely the pattern of control and power over another person, and its impacts on its victims. Finally, it will examine risk factors that can be used to identify potentially lethal situations, in an effort to prevent domestic homicides, the ultimate impact of an abusive relationship. Safety planning will be emphasized as a method of working with clients in abusive relationships.  

Webinar Key Objectives:

  • To build knowledge of the pervasiveness of domestic violence
  • To explore risk factors for lethality within abusive relationships
  • To highlight a risk assessment tool for practitioners in the domestic violence sector which can be used to build competence and used in practice after further training
  • To emphasize the need for safety planning with victims in abusive relationships