Webinar event date: 
oct 19, 2017 8:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 

Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard


Part 1 serves as a prerequisite for parts 2 and 3. If able, please commit to engaging in all 3.

Webinar objectives are:

  • Exploring the complexity of anti-black racism, and the interconnectedness of oppressions.
  • Identifying layers of racism: systemic, cultural, institutional and individual.
  • Creating the connections between layers of racism and the manifestations of racism in the lives of black Canadians.
  • Learning how to apply this knowledge to your social work practice.

In depth: 

This introduction to anti-black racism provides an overview of ABR, and why it is important knowledge for social workers. After peeling back the layers of racism (systemic, cultural, institutional and individual) there is a short case study to examine how these layers impact one of the identified manifestations of racism: employment. Senator Bernard gives suggestions for how to incorporate the knowledge learned in this seminar into a wide range of social work positions: frontline, management, policy and research.