Webinar event date: 
Mar 9, 2022 4:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 

Tammy Manning MSW, RSW

Tammy completed a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Social Work, Masters of Social Work and Certificate of Criminology from Memorial University of Newfoundland. She has worked in the social work field for 22 years with experience in working with children, adolescents and adults in areas including justice, health care and private practice. Tammy has worked for the past 18 years in the field of Mental Health and Addictions in various clinical and clinical leadership positions including the specialized programs of Concurrent Disorder Services and Traumatic Stress Services. Tammy provides field instruction to MSW students on a regular basis and is a past IPE (Inter-professional Education) facilitator. Tammy was the recipient of the NLCSW 2021 Pride in the Profession Award.

Jaspen Barker MSW, RSW

Jaspen completed a Certificate of Criminology, Bachelor of Social Work and a Masters of Social Work from Memorial University of Newfoundland. As part of her MSW program, she completed a thesis titled Exploring individual's experiences of time-sensitive practice in rural Newfoundland and Labrador: a qualitative study. Jaspen has worked for over ten years in the field of Mental Health and Addictions and is currently a clinical social worker with Traumatic Stress Services. Jaspen regularly provides field instructions to MSW students and has been an active member of the NLCSW for many years.


Social workers in all diverse areas work with individuals who have experienced trauma. This session will provide an overview of trauma informed practice, including integrating trauma informed principles into the workplace at a practice and organizational level.  Information presented will include understanding trauma, the presentation of trauma, and trauma response. Important considerations for social workers will be discussed in the assessment of trauma and in providing trauma informed care based on safety and choice. Participants will be encouraged to reflect on self-care for the service provider.