In spite of its limited resources, CASW has been active on many social policy and social action fronts, thanks to its affiliation as an organizational member of multiple national coalitions:

Adoption Council of Canada

The Adoption Council of Canada (ACC) is the umbrella organization for adoption in Canada. The ACC raises public awareness of adoption, promotes placement of waiting children and stresses the importance of post-adoption services.  

Campaign 2000  

Campaign 2000 is a non-partisan coalition of 19 national partners and a Canada-wide network of 33 community partners who are committed to securing the implementation of the 1989 federal all-party resolution "to seek to achieve the goal of eliminating poverty among Canadian children by the year 2000". 

Canadian AIDS Treatment Information Exchange (CATIE) 

CATIE is a national, not-for-profit charity committed to improving the health and quality of life of all people living with HIV/AIDS in Canada by providing accessible, accurate, unbiased and timely treatment information to people living with HIV/AIDS and their caregiver, health care providers and service organizations.

Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health

The Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health calls for significantly increased attention to mental illness and mental health promotion at all levels of Canadian society and aims to put mental illness and mental health on the national health and social policy agendas.

Created in October 1998, the fifteen member organizations of the Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) represent all elements of the mental health continuum. Consumers and their families, researchers, and all manner of practitioners including physicians, psychologists and psychiatric nurses, are supporters of the Alliance and its messages. Together, these organizations constitute a vibrant network of national, provincial and local organizations that stretch from coast to coast.

 Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention

The Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention works to unite all communities, governments, organizations and resources across Canada with CASP and our stakeholders to work effectively together to prevent death by suicide and to assist, educate and comfort those who have been impacted by suicidal behaviours.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives

The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives is a national, independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with local, national and international issues of social and economic justice. Founded in 1980, the CCPA is one of Canada's leading progressive voices in public policy debates. The Centre offers analysis and policy ideas to the media, general public, social justice and labour organizations, academia and government. The CCPA produces research studies, policy briefs, books, editorials and commentary, and other publications.

Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children 

The Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Childrenbrings together Canadian organizations and individuals who are concerned about the rights of children. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the guiding framework for all activities of the coalition. 

Click here to read the letter to the Prime Minister demanding a child rights impact assessment of the proposed changes to the youth justice system prior to C-10 passing.

Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century

The Canadian Coalition for Public Health in the 21st Century (CCPH21) is a national network of non-profit organizations, professional associations, health charities and academic researchers who share the common goal to improve and sustain the health of Canadians. 

Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health

Prompted by concern about inadequate services for the residents of long-term care facilities, a national symposium was held in April 28, 2002 with the goal of "improving the mental health of the elderly in long term care through education, advocacy and collaboration". A coalition was formed with the purpose to improve the mental health of seniors through a coordinated national strategy. The coalition's first priority is to focus on the unmet needs of seniors living in long-term care facilities.  

Canadian Health Workforce Network

The Canadian Health Workforce Network is a knowledge creation and mobilisation network of researchers, decision-makers and other knowledge users with expertise in health workforce planning, policy, and management.

Canadian Housing and Renewal Association

The Canadian Housing and Renewal Association r mission is to ensure all Canadians have an affordable, secure and decent place to call home. Adequate housing provides a stable foundation from which people, communities and Canada as a whole can prosper and so we advocate for improved housing policies and programs that keep housing affordable and end homelessness. We support a sustainable housing profession and work to connect the broader sector, as well as our members, who collectively house and serve hundreds of thousands of people living in or seeking affordable housing.

Canadian Public Health Association

The Canadian Public Health Association advances public health education, research, policy and practice in Canada and around the world by publishing the Canadian Journal of Public Health, position statements, discussion documents and other resources.

Read the CPHA position statement on public health approaches to the toxic drug crisis here.

Child Care Now

Child Care Now is dedicated to advocating for a publicly funded, inclusive, quality, non-profit child care system. Our organization is non-profit, membership-based and regionally representative.

Child Welfare League of Canada

The Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) is the voice for vulnerable children in Canada. Established in 1994, CWLC is a national, membership-based organization dedicated to promoting the protection and well-being of vulnerable children, youth and their families. We play a significant role in promoting best practices among those in the field of child welfare, child and youth mental health, child rights and youth justice.

Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada

The Chronic Disease Prevention Alliance of Canada (CDPAC) is a network of Canada’s major national, provincial and territorial health organizations that have come together around the common cause of promoting healthy living for the prevention of non-communicable diseases.

EGALE Canada

Egale works to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada and to enhance the global response to LGBTQI2S issues. Egale will achieve this by informing public policy, inspiring cultural change, and promoting human rights and inclusion through research, education and community engagement.

Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition 

Previously known as the G7 (Group of Healthcare Professionals) and the G11, the Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) is a group of national health care professional associations who formed a partnership to work collaboratively on health initiatives with a view to broadening policy initiatives beyond traditional health care providers. Along with the CASW, members of the EHPC include the Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists, Canadian Pharmacists Association, Canadian Physiotherapy Association, Speech‐Language and Audiology Canada, Canadian Psychological Association, Dietitians of Canada, Canadian Association of Optometrists, Canadian Dental Hygienists Association, Canadian Chiropractic Association, and Canadian Dental Association.

Fresh Start Coalition 

The Fresh Start Coalition works to change the law so people can move beyond their old criminal records. It is a broad coalition of civil society groups, civic leaders, academics, researchers and directly impacted individuals have come together to support the enactment of a spent records regime in Canada. 

International Social Services 

ISS Canada is a non-profit organization which mobilizes domestic and international networks of professionals to effectively connect individuals, children and families separated by international borders to access the services and supports they need.

National Association Active in Criminal Justice 

The mission of the National Associations Active in Criminal Justice (NAACJ) is to enhance the capacity of member organizations to contribute to a just, fair, equitable and effective justice system. Its objects are to:
Contribute to the education of its member organizations, other organizations from the governmental and voluntary sector and the general public through activities that share and generate knowledge, information, ideas and values, in relation to current and emerging criminal justice issues.
Contribute to the capacity of the member organizations to carry out their purposes through activities that share and generate expertise and to serve as a catalyst for action by member agencies and to provide collective support for actions undertaken by individual member agencies where feasible.
Support the activities of its member organizations in the development of policy related to criminal justice by promoting the role and importance of the member organizations in consultation and policy forms with the federal government.

National Alliance for Children and Youth

The Children's Alliance provides a forum for a group of national organizations with an interest in the well-being of children. The group aims to work co-operatively, to devise strategies to promote a national children's agenda, and to respond to concerns and issues affecting children and their families.

National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly

N.I.C.E. is a national network of researchers and practitioners involved in the care of older adults that is mandated to disseminate research and best practice knowledge amongst interdisciplinary practitioners and academia regarding the care to the elderly.

National Right to Housing Network  

The National Right to Housing Network is a group of key leaders, thinkers, experts and people with lived experience of housing precarity and homelessness, with a mission to fully realize the right to housing for all, and the goal of eliminating homelessness in Canada.

Organizations for Health Action (HEAL)  

The members of the Organizations for Health Action are committed to sustaining and enhancing the health of Canadians, and in the continuous improvement of fair, equitable, efficient and effective health services and system(s). Learn more in the HEAL consensus document outlining three critical areas of focus necessary to create a sustainable health care system that meets the needs of Canadians, today and into the future: Addressing the Health Human Resource Crisis; Investing in Mental Health Parity; and Community-Based Care.

Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network

PREVNET is a national partnership of university researchers and national non-governmental organizations that is mandated to create socio-cultural change in Canada by reducing the negative use of power and aggression in relationships. PREVNET is interested in creating a national strategy to address bullying problems and promote healthy relationships among children.

Quality End-of-Life Care Coalition of Canada

The QELCCC works to improve end-of-life care for all Canadians by focusing on the following pursuits:
1. Ensure all Canadians have access to high quality hospice palliative end-of-life care.
2. Enhance the level of support family caregivers receive.
3. Improve the quality and consistency of hospice palliative end-of-life care in Canada.
4. Encourage Canadians to discuss and plan for end-of-life.
For more information on the QELCCC, please visit and download a copy of The Blueprint for Action.

Funding received from Federal Goverment to support the development of community-integrated palliative care models for the health care sector.  Click here to read more.

To read the letter from CASW to Honourable Leona Aglukkaq regarding support provided click here.

To read the report from the CASW representative (January 2013) click here.

Repeal 43 Committee 

The Repeal 43 Committee is a national, voluntary committee formed in 1994 to advocate repeal of section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada which is a defense to assault that justifies violence against children by teachers and parents in the name of correction.