Webinar event date: 
Nov 5, 2019 6:00 am EST
Webinar Presenters: 

Dr. Kathy Hogarth is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at Renison University College at the University of Waterloo.

Prior to becoming involved in academia, Dr. Hogarth was a University counselor at the University of Technology, Jamaica (1998-2002). Since immigrating to Canada in 2002 she has been involved in community based research primarily with marginalized populations in Canada. Her work with marginalized populations was furthered through her dissertation research documenting the experiences of racialized immigrant women and their attempts at negotiating belonging in Canada.

To learn more about Kathy and her work, paste this link into your broswer:


This webinar will focus on one or two concepts (TBD) from A Space for Race, a new book from Canadian scholars that engages in a critical examination of some of the major discourses related to original/settler/immigrant and, particularly, racialized belonging. In the course of this examination, the book explores the various themes of racism, multiculturalism, and post-colonialism and the ongoing tensions, challenges, and inconsistencies around race relations embedded within policy and practice in Canada. It traces the history of race relations and ensuing tensions from encounter to modern day and offers a broad, yet nuanced historical sketch of Indigenous and racialized ethnic groups that make up the Canadian landscape. The text also offers rich case examples to draw the reader's attention to the lived experiences of the "Other." As a whole, it engages with history in a particular way that challenges the historical records that has informed our imaginings.