person being counselled, with just their body in the frame.
Webinar event date: 
Oct 16, 2023 10:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 
Dr. Ghayda Hassan

Founder and Director of the Canadian Practitioners Network for the Prevention of Radicalization and Extremist Violence; Full Professor of Clinical Psychology, Université du Québec à Montréal

Dr. Ghayda Hassan is a clinical psychologist and professor of clinical psychology at UQÀM. She has a number of research, clinical, and community-based national and international affiliations. She is the director of the Canada Practitioners Network for the Prevention of Radicalization and Extremist Violence (CPN-PREV). She also is a UNESCO co-chair on Prevention of Violence Radicalization, as well as a researcher and clinical consultant at the SHERPA-RAPS team and the CIUSSS-CODIM. She is a researcher, clinician, as well as a policy consultant in matters of interventions in the context of violence (radicalization, family violence, and war).


Laura Stolte, MSW, RSW

Caseworker, Evolve, Organization for the Prevention of Violence, Edmonton

Laura Stolte, MSW, RSW, is a caseworker with the Organization for the Prevention of Violence’s EVOLVE program. Laura has worked with children, youth, and families since 2011. She has worked in the area of Countering Violent Extremism for the past three years and is passionate about the role of social work in this space. Working from a strength-based and relationship-centered approach, Laura works to meet people where they are at, and aims to empower individuals and families in accomplishing their self-defined goals.


David O’Brien, CYW, CYC, MACP, PBDM, MBA

Director, Estimated Time of Arrival (E.T.A.), Yorktown Family Services, Toronto

David O’Brien, CYW, CYC, MACP, PBDM, MBA, is the Director of Mental Health Services at Yorktown Family Services where he is also overseeing the development and implementation of Estimated Time of Arrival (E.T.A.), the intervention program aimed at countering radicalization to violence across the city of Toronto. 


This webinar introduces the field of preventing and countering radicalization to violence (CRV) by discussing the importance of multi-agency collaboration, evidence-based approaches, and the role of social workers across the prevention spectrum. Informed by the public health approach, the growing community of CRV practitioners in Canada are working to build an holistic approach to prevention. Primary prevention efforts aim at empowering society against hate and violent extremism, while secondary and tertiary programs work to provide targeted resources and support designed to turn individuals or groups away from involvement in violent extremism. This webinar will also feature Estimated Time of Arrival, a Toronto-based intervention program housed at Yorktown Family Services that deploys rapid, mobile mental health and integrated care for people at risk of, or engaged in, radicalization to violence.

This webinar is part of a series called, Preventing and Countering Radicalization to Violence in Canada: A Webinar Series with Frontline Practitioners on Evidence-Based Approaches, Multi-Agency Collaboration, and the Role of Social Work. This webinar series is brought to you in partnership with the Canada Centre for Community Engagement and Prevention of Violence.