Lisa Champagne
Lisa Champagne is a proud Metis woman from St. Francios Xavier, Manitoba. She holds a Bachelor of Human Ecology in Family Studies and a Master of Social Work both from the University of Manitoba. She is passionate about her work with children in care, youth engagement, advocacy, and program and policy development. She has over 25 years of experience in the area of social services in government and community based non for-profit organizations throughout Winnipeg. She has also served as board chair for Neecheewam, and board member for All Nation Coordinated Response Network and Winnipeg Friendship Centre. Lisa has endeavoured to work collaboratively across multiple sectors on social issues, and has developed meaningful and effective partnerships throughout Manitoba. Currently, Lisa works for Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata (Ma Mawi) Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada where she oversees placement resources for children and youth, the Family Group Conference, Nagijeung Abinoojiik and Home Based Crisis Intervention programs.
Brandy Blind
Brandy Blind’s traditional name is Blue Lightning Women treaty from the beautiful touchwoods hills of Saskatchewan treaty 4 Lands. My English name is Brandy Blind, my mother is Metis Cree and my Father is from Barbados and I was blessed to be mixed with the best of both worlds. I currently reside and have lived most of my life in the North End of Winnipeg. I am a mother of 3 adult children and a grandmother to a beautiful one year old grandson Amari, as well as a wife and community member. I also wear many difference hats and roles to many different peoples and situations. Over some years ago I had the opportunity to utilize Ma Mawi Chi Itata Centres resources many times as a struggling community member. I worked hard to heal and become stronger at which point I had the amazing opportunity to join the Family Group Conference team 7 years ago as a FGC mentor. I then was blessed again with the opportunity and support to apply for the FGC Coordinator position. I am just as excited today as I was 7 years ago to be part of such an amazing organization and will always remain so very blessed, grateful and humbled at all times.