Beyond Neglect: Indigenous Approaches to Child Welfare
Webinar event date: 
Apr 19, 2023 8:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 
Tammy McFarland, MSW

Scarborough Integrated Team Supervisor at Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

Tammy McFarland is of Mi’kmaq (Annapolis Valley FN) and Irish ancestry (Athlone, Ireland).  Born and raised in downtown Toronto, she completed her first degree in sociology from UofT, completed her BSW and MSW with FNTI and WLU in Waterloo. She has been with NCFST for 16 years. She was a front-line worker for 13 year and now the supervisor of the first integrated team in Scarborough for the last 3 years. She is the mother of two strong, smart, beautiful girls who continue to bring joy, love and amazing teachings to her life.


Krystal Lee Reil, BSW

Frontline worker at Native Child and Family Services of Toronto

Krystal Lee Reil is Metis, Greek and French and is a direct descendant of Louis Reil. She was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. She completed her RECE in 2009, and then completed her BSW from Ryerson University known now as (Toronto Metropolitan University) in 2021. Krystal Lee ran and operated daycares and Nursery schools for 15 years before transitioning into Frontline work at NCFST in 2021. Mother of two intelligent, compassionate, and loving sons, from whom she learns daily, she is dedicated to working in her community and fighting against injustice and inequalities our community has faced historically and currently through advocacy and clinical work. 


Through the lens of their experience, Tammy and Krystal Lee look at the ways in which mainstream approaches to child welfare conflict with Indigenous approaches when responding to the needs of Indigenous children and families. Through their work at Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, they present culturally relevant services for child and family welfare in urban indigenous contexts.