Webinar event date: 
Nov 23, 2020 8:00 pm EST

This webinar features a screening of the film (Dis)placed: Indigenous Youth and the Child Welfare System and a presentation related to the accompanying Learning Guide. The film features the voices of Indigenous youth as they reflect on their prior involvement with the child welfare system and their multiple strategies of resistance to assimilation. The Learning Guide provides the historical and contemporary contexts for the overwhelming number of Indigenous children in the child welfare system, and encourages professionals to identify actions they can take to help end the inequities and ongoing discrimination, and contribute to the thriving of Indigenous children and youth. After a screening of the film, panel members with professional experience in child welfare, post-secondary education and working with Indigenous people directly impacted by the child welfare system will describe how they use the film and learning guide in their practice, and participants will be invited to submit questions to contribute to the discussion. 


Participants: please download a copy of the learning guide prior to the webinar: 

●       Learning Guide for Professionals


●       Link to film’s website:



Webinar Key Objectives: 

●       To gain a deeper understanding of the lived experiences of Indigenous children and youth in the child welfare system 

●       To examine the role of the child welfare system in ongoing colonialism and assimilation, and learn how professionals working in system can become part of the solution

●       To introduce a learning guide for professionals working with Indigenous children and youth

●       To provide participants with ideas about how to use the film and learning guide in their own practice