Webinar event date: 
Mar 4, 2021 6:00 am EST

This workshop will present a brief overview of the research related to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) and how this science can better equip social workers to assist clients to lead authentic, fulfilling, and autonomous lives. More than 2000 peer-reviewed studies make evident that ACEs are pervasive and associated with the development of numerous physical and psychosocial health issues across the lifespan. The ACEs framework incorporates ten most commonly experienced adversities in childhood that include: physical, sexual and emotional abuse and physical and emotional neglect, witnessing domestic violence; having parents who experience mental illness and/or substance abuse; having an incarcerated family member and the separation and/or divorce of your parents. Other studies also include experiences of racism, poverty, war, and natural disasters as adverse childhood factors that cause trauma.

Webinar Key Objectives: 

  • Overview of Adverse Childhood Experience framework
  • First Voice Reflection-Benefits of ACEs Knowledge
  • Relevance of ACEs to Addiction and Mental Health Settings
  • Steps Social Work Profession can take to lead responses to ACEs
  • Benefits of an ACE lens to social work practice