November 21, 2019 - Ottawa, ON – In a few days, the Federal Government of Canada will take First Nations children back to court in an effort to dismiss a compensation order by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT). On his first day as Canada’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General, the...
November 19, 2019 - The Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) acknowledges its role in supporting the implementation of residential schools and affirming the approach to child welfare that led to the 60s scoop through the promotion of discriminatory policies with the underlying...
November 13, 2019 - The Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association together with the Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC), a group of leading healthcare associations, have produced a new guide that will help healthcare providers and their patients better...
October 29, 2019 - Letter to Prime Minster Trudeau - As national organizations, representing over 238,000 professionals on the front lines of service delivery, we urge the creation of a new Cabinet position: Minister of Mental Health and Wellbeing.
October 24, 2019 - Following the 2019 federal election, CASW sent letters to key federal Parliamentarians making recommendations for the future of mental health in Canada.
October 23, 2019 - CASW today releases a major paper recommending Mental Health Parity in Canada, including complementary measures as well as the creation of a new federal Minister of Mental Health and Well-Being.
October 3, 2019 - Today, leaders from the Canadian Association of Social Workers, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nurses Association and the College of Family Physicians of Canada gathered in Vancouver to call on federal party leaders to commit to establishing a targeted $1.2...
October 3, 2019 - We were disheartened to see that the issue of health and health care is not part of your line-up for the upcoming Federal Leaders’ Debates...
September 11, 2019 - The Federal Election will take place October 21, 2019. The hub brings together a variety of resources and other tools to help you make your decision in election 2019.
August 28, 2019 - Today the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) publishes Decriminalization, Exit Strategies, and the Social Determinants of Health: A three-pronged approach to health, safety and dignity for sex workers.