Webinar event date: 
Oct 17, 2023 9:00 am EDT
Webinar Presenters: 

Sam Pothier

Sam Pothier brings a lifetime of personal experience and years of professional experience to the government care community. Their work has included curriculum development, transitional support, leadership development, and public speaking. Some highlights of their experience include being one of 2021 Stand Up for Kids award nominees, the lead in developing the Premier's Award-nominated website AgedOut.com, and presenting at several conferences about improving the outcomes of youth exiting care. Sam has a long history of volunteerism including being a board member for both the International Foster Care Organization and the National Youth in Care Network, sitting on numerous selection committees for bursaries, grants, and requests for proposals. Currently, Sam is currently the Youth Engagement Specialist for YES Manitoba, focusing on supporting youth with systemic advocacy. Sam cares deeply about their peers – young people in and from care – and helps them to feel valued and respected, encouraging them to follow their dreams.

Dr. Melanie Doucet

Dr. Doucet has been working to improve the lives of youth in care for over 20 years. She is a former youth in care, holds a PhD in Social Work, and is a member of the Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF). Her doctoral research, titled Relationships Matter for Youth ‘Aging Out’ of Care, provided a platform for youth from care to develop child welfare research, policy and practice recommendations based on their lived experience expertise. She is the co-founder of the Montreal Youth in Care Alumni Student Association (MYCASA), a peer support group.   She continues to work as part of the provincial and national youth in care advocacy community on child protection policy reform initiatives, and is currently leading the Equitable Transitions to Adulthood and a Just Pandemic Recovery for Youth in Care project alongside the National Council of Youth in Care Advocates.


Ce webinaire d'introduction à la série de formations fournira un aperçu des normes équitables de transition vers l'âge adulte pour les jeunes pris en charge et des huit piliers de la transition à la vie adulte. Ce webinaire est ouvert au public et est un pré-requis pour les sessions suivantes.

*Des sous-titres en direct ainsi qu'une traduction simultanée (anglais au français) seront disponibles pendant l'événement.