April 10, 2020
The Honourable William Francis Morneau
Minister of Finance House of Commons Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Minister Morneau,
RE: Joint Technical Briefing Request - COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
This is a an urgent request, on behalf of the Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) that represents 11 national professional health and social organizations, for a joint technical briefing on the newly introduced programs for businesses, employers and individuals as part of the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan to help mitigate the economic impact of the outbreak.
All EHPC members are healthcare providers with many being small business operators and employers, while others are individual employees who are integral parts of the interdisciplinary healthcare teams. As member service organizations, who deal directly with front line healthcare workers, the professions we represent are dealing with significant public health issues, while also attempting to ensure the ongoing viability of their practices and the wellbeing of their staff.
In this regard, all the EHPC organizations have been fielding communications from our respective memberships with specific questions and concerns about the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, and the Canada Emergency Business Account. At present, EHPC members are often relying on external advice on these programs, which can be incomplete or inconsistent, especially given the rapid rollout that the government has undertaken.
EHPC members acknowledge the exceptional work that has been undertaken by the Government of Canada and specifically the Finance Department in addressing this unprecedented challenge. In support of the Government of Canada’s roll-out of the COVID-19 Economic Response Plan, EHPC members would highly value and appreciate the opportunity to receive a technical briefing on the nuances of these programs.
In this regard a joint technical briefing will allow the leadership of EHCP members the space for clarifications, in a focused manner, so that we may in turn support the Government of Canada by communicating, with clarity, to our respective professional memberships across the county.
EHPC members would appreciate the opportunity to follow up with you promptly on this matter of critical importance to Canada’s healthcare professionals. Members of the EHCP will follow-up with your office in the next few days regarding this request. Any formal communications in response to this EHPC request can be sent directly to the current chair, Fred Phelps (fred.phelps@casw-acts.ca).
Sincerely EHPC Members,
Ondina Love, CAE Chief Executive Officer The Canadian Dental Hygienists Association
François Couillard, Chief Executive Officer/Chef de la direction Canadian Association of Optometrists
Hélène Sabourin, Chief Executive Officer Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists
Alison Dantas, MA, CEC, C. Dir. CEO, CCA Canadian Chiropractic Association
Fred Phelps, Executive Director Canadian Association of Social Workers
Dr. Alexander Mutchmor, President Canadian Dental Association
K.R. Cohen Ph.D., C. Psych. Chief Executive Officer Canadian Psychological Association
JP Cody-Cox, Chief Executive Officer Canadian Physiotherapy Association
Joanne Charlebois, Chief Executive Officer Speech-Language & Audiology Canada
Nathalie Savoie, MBA, RD/Dt.P. Chief Executive Officer Dietitians of Canada
About the Extended Healthcare Professionals Coalition (EHPC) EHPC aims to improve the health and welfare of all Canadians; promote excellence and innovation in health research and practice and promote the advancement, development, dissemination and application of knowledge that advances health, social services and well-being for Canadians.
Our membership includes: • Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists • Canadian Association of Optometrists • Canadian Association of Social Workers • Canadian Chiropractic Association • Canadian Dental Association • Canadian Dental Hygienists Association • Canadian Pharmacists Association • Canadian Physiotherapy Association • Canadian Psychological Association • Dietitians of Canada • Speech-Language & Audiology Canada