January 7, 2014

The Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW) today released Social Media Use and Social Work Practice that outlines some of the ethical considerations and best practice guidelines for social media use in social work practice. 

As with other ethical issues and dilemmas in practice, there are rarely black or white answers as it pertains to social media use.  Social workers must use their own professional judgment, seek information from their provincial/territorial regulatory bodies, review best practice guidelines and risk management strategies, and engage in on-going dialogue with colleagues. 

Click here to review this resource developed by the 2013-14 CASW Children’s Interest Group (CIG). CASW would like to thank the CIG sub-committee that spearheaded this initiative including the following representatives:

Annette Johns (NLASW)

Pat Zacharias (MIRSW)

Andrea Munro (NSASW)



For more information:

Fred Phelps, MSW, RSW


Tel.: 613.729.6668